Get Mindful
Mindful Movement
Maybe I say it too much, this concept of Mindful Movement - but it’s the best way I can describe the feeling, the moment, when its quiet, all you can hear and feel is your heart thumping away in your chest - deep & full of life - big inhale, pause. . . big exhale. . . a “life sigh’ as I call it.
It’s Truly when I feel most Alive
This moment isn’t exclusive to weightlifting, training in a gym, or during an hour of predetermined exercise. It comes frequently when out playing in the Sierra, during a long trudge up a pass, or scrambling up the next moraine. It comes during a day’s work when hauling material to a from, or playing with the dogs.
It’s an odd phenomenon - because there is so much resistance at first, when your heart is at rest and comfortable. . . as you begin to exert your inner forces into the physical world, your heart starts to race, maybe you stumble over your first few breaths - and it’s so easy to stop there and not experience those few seconds of discomfort. But I encourage you - stay uncomfortable - just a little longer - because soon you will get on top of the moment, on top of the breath, on top of the movement - you’ll hit full stride, feeling fluid - “like water my friend” - and in that moment - that Mindful Movement is alive. You can feel your body working, breathing, heart thumping, and it feels good. . . not easy necessarily - but it feels good. Damn good.
Embrace it, get it daily - consider it a Daily Minimum - this Mindful Movement, a deep Life Sigh.